30: (Sustainability) + Pleasure, Vol. I: Culture and Architecture S/S 2009


This and the next issue of Harvard Design Magazine are devoted to questioning and overcoming the commonly held assumption that the pursuit of sustainability and the pursuit of pleasure are in tension if not opposition. Here, broad cultural issues and architecture, and the design of objects are studied. Sustainability is put in parentheses in the title because this term is contested and ambiguous: usually referring to technological prowess in reducing energy consumption and natural damage, the world should also imply much broader realities, including the social, the cultural, the economic, and the psychological—the ecological in its fullest sense. The city, in this view, is an endlessly independent network.

Table of Contents


A Critical Overview of New Architecture in India

Nalina Moses

Beauty from Sustainability?

Iñaki Ábalos

Climatic Constructions: Thermal Asymmetry in Architecture

Philippe Rahm

Delight in Sun, Wind, and Light: Sustainability and Pleasure Indoors/Outdoors

G. Z. Brown

Frameworks of Performance & Delight

David Leatherbarrow, Richard Wesley

Hypermondern Society & the Eclectic Individual; The Invention of the Local

François Ascher

In Situ: Site-Specificity in Sustainable Architecture

Anja Thierfelder, Matthias Schuler

New Transformers in Building

Chuck Hoberman

Ordos: Nine Houses by GSD Faculty

Jeffrey Kipnis

Small Pleasures in Huge Webs

Verena Conley

Sustainability and Pleasure: An Untimely Meditation

Andrew Payne

Sustainability, or the Redefinition of the Pleasure Principle

Matthias Sauerbruch

The Joy of Less

Wendy Steiner

The New Somatic Architecture

Christopher Hight

The Sensual City: The Artificial Enabling the Natural

Jacques Ferrier

Wheels, Safeties, and Bicycles-to-Be

John Stilgoe


Architecture in the Age of Divided Representation by Dalibor Vesely

Tom Spector

Eisenman Inside Out: Selected Writings by Peter Eisenman

Timothy Hyde

Endless City: The Urban Age Project edited by Ricky Burdett and Deyan Sudjic

Reinhold Martin

Giuseppe Terragni: Transformations, Decompositions, Critiques by Peter Eisenman

Timothy Hyde

In Search of New Public Domain by Maartin Hajer and Arnold Reijndorp

Dana Cuff

Open: New Designs for online Public Space edited by Raymond W. Gastil and Zoe Ryan

Dana Cuff

Retrofitting Suburbia by Ellen Dunham-Jones and June Williamson

Hubert Murray

The Formal Basis of Modern Architecture by Peter Eisenman

Timothy Hyde

Tracing Eisenman: Peter Eisenman Complete Work by Peter Eisenman

Timothy Hyde

Written into the Void: Selected Writings, 1990-2004 by Peter Eisenman

Timothy Hyde