16: HARDSoft CoolWARM… Gender in Design, plus Classic Books Part II S/S 2002


Although little is determining in gender, we are culturally groomed to associate certain qualities with males and others with females: hard/soft, cool/warm, tough/delicate, exterior/interior…. And these qualities come in and out of favor in design. Bit in Western architecture, the association of civilization in general with masculinity and the male body has been strong and persistent. Modernism, neo-modernism, and minimalism have, in the view of many, reinforced this habit of thought. This Harvard Design Magazine addresses the question: what may have been neglected, undervalued, or overvalued because of gender associations in the culture of design?

Table of Contents


“Matrix of Man”

Hilde Heynen

A Postcard from the Volcano

Camilo José Vergara, Wallace Stevens

After the Flood

Esther da Costa Meyer

Curtain Wars

Joel Sanders

Disarrayed Distinctions

Elizabeth Wilson

Grounds for Dispersal

Paul Shepheard

Past St. Louis

Lisa Johnston

Perspecta 9/10

Mark Linder

St. Louis

Mitchell Schwarzer


A Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander

William S. Saunders

Mathematics of the Ideal Villa by Colin Rowe

Daniel Naegele

Pioneers of Modern Design by Nikolaus Pevsner

Alina Payne

The City in History by Lewis Mumford

Thomas Bender

The Image of the City by Kevin Lynch

Gwendolyn Wright

Trotzdem by Adolf Loos

Christopher Long