A Way Forward? Integrated Project Delivery
32: Design Practices Now, Vol. I
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What are the pressing issues and problems in the work lives of contemporary landscape architects, urban designers, and architects? What supports and what obstructs their efforts to help create outstanding buildings and places? What current conditions for practice are novel, and how should they be understood and managed? What are ideal structures for the collaborations of designers with owners and builders, and with other professionals, such as engineers, fabricators, and ecological scientists? What can be learned from the variations in design practices across regions, nations, and continents? How are new digital technologies affecting design practice?
In this and the next issue of Harvard Design Magazine, designers from around the world address these questions and offer images of design details of their work. In addition, scholar/critics focus on particular issues in analytic detail.
Simon Allford
Phillip G. Bernstein
Mack Scogin, Preston Scott Cohen, Toshiko Mori, William S. Saunders
Pierre Bélanger
Preston Scott Cohen
Jay Wickersham
Christopher Hawthorne
Matthew Soules
Sebastian Schmaling
Mark Mulligan
Sylvia Lavin
Mohsen Mostafavi