31: (Sustainability) + Pleasure, Vol. II: Landscapes, Urbanism, and Products F/W 2009

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This and the previous issue of Harvard Design Magazine are devoted to questioning and overcoming the commonly held assumption that the pursuit of sustainability and the pursuit of pleasure are in tension if not opposition. Here, urbanism, landscape architecture and the design of objects are studied. Sustainability is put in parentheses in the title because this term is contested and ambiguous: usually referring to technological prowess in reducing energy consumption and natural damage, the world should also imply much broader realities, including the social, the cultural, the economic, and the psychological—the ecological in its fullest sense. The city, in this view, is an endlessly independent network.

Table of Contents


Beautiful Big Feet

Kongjian Yu

City Trees for Sustainability and Delight

Henry W. Lawrence

Design Against Nature

Eelco Hooftman

Does Our Technology Make Our Past Irrelevant to Our Future?

Antoine Picon

Dubai in Hindsight: Souq Cartographies

Stephen Ramos

Eutopia Now!

Michael Sorkin

Green Pleasures

Constance Classen

Local Food Is Not Always the Most Sustainable

Bill Rankin

Lush Lots: Everyday Urban Agriculture

Dominec Vitiello, Michael Nairn

Prodesse et Delectare

Dorothée Imbert

Promiscuous Patterns, Synthetic Architecture

David Salomon, Paul Andersen

Proximate Utopia, or the Semblance of the Future

Timothy Hyde

Sexy and Good: Sustainable Product Design

Alice Rawsthorn

Slow Landscapes

Elizabeth K. Meyer

The Natural History of Foresaken Spaces

Gilles Clément

The Vertical Forest and New Urban Comfort

Francisca Insulza, Stefano Boeri

Toxic Landscapes

J. Henry Fair

Varied Tree Shade for New Urban Pleasures

Gary R. Hilderbrand


Another City: Urban Life and Urban Spaces in the New American Republic by Dell Upton

Robin F. Bachin

The Code of the City: Standards and the Hidden Language of Place Making by Eran Ben-Joseph

Matthew J. Kiefer

The Utzon Logbooks by Jørn Utzon

Kenneth Frampton